
Alanna Nelson

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Call for South Coast Massachusetts Creatives to submit to Sippizine by October 8, 2024
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Excitement! Help!

Hello Reader, The Sippizine submissions are coming in and I love what I'm reading. Can't wait to share the next issue, "Home," with you. Will you submit to Sippizine? If yes, Hurray! You can submit until October 8. Here is the submission link. If no, Help! Could you: Forward this email to those who should know? Share this graphic on social media? Click on the image so you can use it to share on social media. Tuesday, September 24 is the next Writer's Prompt Session Join everyone at the...

black flat screen tv turned on at the living room

Dear Reader, A young couple received two blank journals with writing prompts as a baby gift this month. It's the first time I've given journals, but it may not be the last. Life with newborn is a time of change. I hope the journals offer a way for each of them to capture feelings and experiences that might otherwise slip into new parent fog. What were the prompts? What do/did you most admire about your parents? How can you bring those things into your own parenting? List the emotions you felt...

It's a happy hour, Reader! Time to kick back and enjoy creative talents. A toast to Krista Allen, Lenore Balliro, Charlie Duane, Ellen P. Flynn, Anne-Marie Grillo, Amanda Lawrence, Heather Heath Reed, Carla Reynolds, Gavin Santos, and Lenore Sweeney for their contributions to this issue. Volume 3 is live! Read Sippizine Now Let me know what you think. Perhaps I'll see you on April 23, 6pm at the Mattapoisett Library for the next Writer's Prompt Session? Alanna Sippizine is funded in part with...

South Coast let me know, Reader? Were you curious about how the results for themes vote? "Home" is the Volume 4 Sippizine Theme It surprised me how close your votes were. Good ideas spring from many places, it seems. Let your mind frolic among the possibilities...The submission period opens in mid-September. While you email readers were split, "Home" was far again the favorite choice in Instagram-land. The digital version is almost ready to post. I can't wait to share it with you. I'm off and...

What do you think, Reader? I can't wait to share Volume 3 of Sippizine. Hopefully, you will run to your favorite digital device to read it, or maybe you will pre-order a print copy. Fingers crossed, the digital version will be live by the end of the month, with the print copies shipping starting April 17. Meanwhile... What do you think? Each issue of Sippizine has a theme. Past contributors shared ideas for future issues, and here are my top five. What do you think? Sweet and Sour Home...

Now until March 10, 2024 at midnight - Submit to Volume 3 of Sippizine! Sometimes it's nice, Reader? It can be nice to get a kick in the pants. Is there something that you want to do, but you haven't? Believe me, I get it. There are all kinds of reasons you haven't. Consider this a gentle nudge to take the next step. At GroundWork yesterday, I sat around the table at BizLab, listening to the latest from other business owners. Hearing their news always inspires me...

Now until March 8, 2024 at midnight - Submit to Volume 3 of Sippizine! We're off and running, Reader? There may be a snow storm today, but Sippizine's hibernation is over. Buy a Print copy of Sippizine - pick it up or have it mailed to you. Running is the Sippizine Vol 3 theme. What's your take? Submit your prose, poetry, images and video at March 5, 5:30 pm is the next Writer's Prompt Session in New Bedford. Sign up now. Then again,...

Each ray of light moves in the coordinate system "at rest" with the definite, constant velocity V, independent of whether this ray of light is emitted by a body at rest or body in motion. - Albert Einstein Are you at rest or in motion, Reader? Winter hibernation is my thing, or at least that's the mindset I'm trying this year. Hibernation isn't all stillness. Physicists tell us that light travels in many ways. Sometimes the rays of energy are obvious. Other times, you need different...

A black, flat screen tv with the words "What is your story?" encourages South Coast Writers to share their voices.

Five South Coast Writing Events The message behind the words is the voice of the heart. - Rumi Jump in, Reader. Since Sippizine Volume 2 went live last month, I've been lucky enough to participate in three thought-provoking, social events for writers. Who says writing is just solitary? You may want to jump in, too. Here are five chances to share your words and voice in the next month: December 7 - Deadline to submit to Anomaly Poetry December 14 - Tidings release party December 27 - Poetry...

Montauk daisies photo by Judy Rosbe on Sippizine Volume 2 - Next Step

Eleven Creatives Took the "Next Step" Whatever we read, we are part of the community of the story. - Neil Gaiman Here it is, Reader. The second issue of Sippizine is live! Take a gander at the comics, poetry, prose and visual art of: Krista Allen Heather Heath Reed Gavin Santos Anne-Marie Grillo John Heavey Lorene Sweeney Judy Rosbe Meredith Eilertsen L.L. G Amanda Lawrence and yours truly After you've ambled through varied interpretations of "Next Step," pull out your calendar and sign up...